Famous and Inspiring Quotations
I have decided to add quotations to my Blog. I'm not sure how often I'll change them on the blog itself but I intend to keep the past, present, and some future quotations here. I have catagorized them alphabetically by the person who normally given credit for the quotation. Send any corrections to me. I've obtained them from a number of different sources and unless I find out differently I'm assuming they are not under copyright.
- Maya Angelou (b.1928): A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
- Francis of Assisi (1182-1226): Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
- Theresa of Calcutta (1910-1997): I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
- Theresa of Calcutta (1910-1997): Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness. Kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955): In the final analysis, the questions of why bad things happen to good people transmutes itself into some very different questions, no longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, what we intend to do now that it happened.
- Stephen Colbert (b. 1964): If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.
- Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969): Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948): What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948): Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972): A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture.
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945): Make the lie big. Make it simple. Keep saying it. And eventually they will believe it.
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): I cannot live without books.
- John Paul II (1920-2005): Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.
- John F. Kennedy (1917-1963): Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
- Martin Luther King (1929-1968): In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds.
- George McGovern (1922-2012) Every program that ever helped working people, from rural electrification to Medicare, was enacted by liberals over the opposition of conservatives. When people tell me they don't like liberals, I ask, "Do you like Social Security? If so, then shut up!"
- Julius (Groucho) Marx (1890-1977): Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
- Thomas Merton (1915-1968): The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
- Barack Obama (b.1961): No one is exempt from the call to find common ground.
- Barack Obama (b.1961): Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662): In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.
- Sara Palin (b.1964):Seniors and the disabled will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgement of their "level of productivity in society" whether they are worthy of health care
- Paul VI (1897-1978): If you want peace, work for justice
- Gregory Peck (1916-2003): There is more than one way to lose your liberty. It can be torn out of your hands by a tyrant: but it can also slip away, day by day,t while you're too busy to notice or too confused or too scared
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
- The Talmud: Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth - which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives - they go only as far as the grave and leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave.
- Desmond Tutu (b.1931): We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.
- Desmond Tutu (b.1931): If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
- George Washington (1732-1799): Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
- Paul Wellstone (1944-2002): We're not going to have real security until we invest in our children.
- Robin Williams (b.1951): Cocaine is God's way of saying you're making too much money.
- Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924): In the Lord's Prayer, the first petition is for daily bread. No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.