This is indeed the road less traveled. There is a part of me that has always wanted to be a writer but I've been intimidated by the process. I haven't taken a creative writing class since high school (and that was a less than satisfying experience) and my life has gone in other directions. Now the web allows me to publish my stuff without having to pass muster with an editor or publisher (expect myself). In the last few years I've started a few projects and I have some here. Enjoy and let me know what you think. By the way, if the font looks unusual, it's called "Poor Richard." It's my tip of the hat to Benjamin Franklin who wrote Poor Richard's Almanac. If you're reading this on a Mac it the font may not come through.
Please note that while I'm giving access to these writings, there is a possibility I may attempt to publish some of this. I ask that you not use the ideas or anecdotes without contacting me.
- My Name is Bill
Summer 2005: This is about 70% composite of several
patients I've met and 30% made up. This is pretty much the first story I did
- Final Report on Unsuccessful Contact with Earth
Completed in February 2006: This turned out to be more difficult to write than I thought. I did this as a report given by a civilization on another planet who believes that Earth in the early 21st is on the brink of space exploration.
- What If We Stopped Aging?
I started this essay in April 2014. The title speaks for itself
Essays and Other Nonfiction
Stuff I Think About at Work
- Spiritual Pain
These are thoughts I've written down on how to diagnose and minister to spiritual pain
- Religious Coping at the End of Life
This is a response to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on March 18, 2009
- Talk to the Volunteers
I gave this talk to hospice volunteers on July 29, 2014. I hope I gave them an understanding of why people make decisions at the end of their life based on their beliefs.